Monday, November 14, 2011

11/11/11, The OWS protests, & And why it was witches

First on the agenda, my deepest apologies for the lapse in reporting here. I have been embedded with a certain organization for the last few months (undercover of course) gathering intell on the groups' inner workings and strategeries. This all came to a halting conclusion three days ago on November 11, 2011. You see, the number 11 is of the utmost significance to witches (see below post), and this was a day that will live on in infamy.

I awoke at our camp of about 1000 witches in the wee hours of the morning to the sound of whispers and the shuffling of feet. Everyone at central command had been talking about this day for weeks and I knew it was going to be a treasure trove of intell on how this group operates. You see, this group, known by the acronym OWS, or The Organized Witches SuperPac, has taken hold of the anarchist movement that began to occupy wall street in early September of this year. You see what they did there? Very clever those witches are. Now you may be asking yourself, what pray-tell happened on that fateful day? Well I'll tell you folks, it wasn't pretty. We're talking (organic) blood sacrifices, demonic chants, lobbying political figures, and worse yet, there was talk about giving these witches rights! These witches seriously think they can derail an entire political movement for their own selfish causes? I say nay, not on my watch.

I'm just glad I made it out alive. I would love to go into more detail, however I fear I may reveal my identity to their people if I provide any more information right now. Check back soon for an update and hopefully my photos will be back from CVS by then so I can scan them and upload them here, to the internet.

Safe travels,



  1. I was watching the American Dad episode where Stan wants to live like Mad Men and they made a joke about witches flying into the Trade center and joked saying, know the truth. So I googled it just out of curiosity and came here. So my question is, is this for real?

    I mean, If this was just to make a gag page then there was an awful lot of work put into something that's just meant to get a laugh. Or, at least a very impressively put together page from someone who's smoking a lot of meth.

    So, either this author needs some intense rehab or a very competent therapist.

    1. I was wondering the same thing? What did you find ou

  2. Damn witches they took my job
